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Below are the companies from neighboring towns.
Zarechensky City Department of Federal Service of Court Bailiffs

Zarechensky City Department of Federal Service of Court Bailiffs

Phone: +7 (8412) 65-30-29

Address: Zarechny Street. Litke, 29. (map)


The District of Balakovo bailiffs

Phone: +7 (8453) 46 01 55

Address: Balakovo, st. Titov, 15 (map)

Proletarian Division Court Bailiffs

Proletarian Division of bailiffs.

Phone: +7 (8342) 72-34-40

Address: Saransk, ul. Veselovsky, 48 (map)

October bailiffs Department

October bailiffs Department

Phone: +7 (8342) 47-24-47

Address: Saransk, ul. Red, 30 (map)

Leninist department bailiffs

Leninist bailiffs Department of Saransk.

Phone: +7 (8342) 47-19-76

Address: Saransk, ul. Fedoseenko, 8 (map)

Bailiffs of Russia Republic of Mordovia


Phone: +7 (8342) 48-27-74

Address: Saransk, ul. Tereshkova, a (map)

Office of the Federal Bailiffs Service

Office of the Federal Bailiffs Service

Phone: +7 (845-2) 26-32-08

Address: 410 600, Saratov, Theatre Square d 11. (map)

Office of the Federal Bailiffs Service

Office of the Federal Bailiffs Service

Phone: +7 (8422) 40-23-24

Address: 432 049, Ulyanovsk, ul. Azov, 95 (map)

Central Department of bailiffs

Central Department of bailiffs

Phone: +7 (8-8482) 40-15-90

Address: Togliatti, st. Gorky, 31 (map)

Avtozavodskii department bailiffs

Avtozavodskii department bailiffs

Phone: +7 (8-8482) 34-30-47

Address: Togliatti, Blvd. Seaside, 31 (map)

Department of bailiffs

Department of bailiffs

Phone: +7-(8482) 28-37-63

Address: Togliatti, st. Maxim Gorky, a (map)

Department of bailiffs

Department of bailiffs in Dimitrovgrad and Melekesskomu Area

Phone: +7 (84235)68313

Address: Dimitrovgrad, street. Burtsev, 3 (map)

October bailiffs Department

October bailiffs Department

Phone: +7 (4752) 56-47-86

Address: Tambov, st. Soviet, 191 (map)

Inter-district office of bailiffs

Inter-district office of bailiffs

Phone: +7 (4752) 56-29-94

Address: 392 031, Tambov, st. Sovetskaya, 191 (map)

Office of the Federal Bailiffs Service

Office of the Federal Bailiffs Service of the Republic of Tatarstan, Chistopolsky interdistrict department

Phone: +7 (84342) 51-722

Address: Chistopol Street. Tolstoy, 157 (map)

Bailiffs Kuznetsk. All Kuznetsk bailiffs are listed in business directory If you are a representative of a bailiff's office in Kuznetsk or Kuznetsk region and you did not find here information about your company please register here and we will post your business information in our directory.

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